I think that all of us have had the occasional night filled with worries. You know the feeling. A dark, lonely, restless night filled with questions like:
What if...?
Why me...?
I should have...
I shouldn't have...
If only...
Will it work?
Does it matter?
I wish...
If you find yourself having trouble sleeping or feel lost, lonely, or afraid*, there are some things I want you to know:

Feel free to print this out and read it as often as needed. xo
HEY--if you often have trouble sleeping, check out this video I recorded YEARS ago. You see, I used to think that if I slept LESS I would accomplish MORE. THAT was a mistake. These tips are still as relevant as ever.
Want some more VITAMIN BETH? Join me on January 6th in-person:
*IMPORTANT: if you worry more than occasionally, reach out for help from friends, family, clergy, doctor, therapist, or employee assistance program. Here are three ways to access counseling online: