Happy Monday, friends, It's great to be back after a holiday break. This week I have a very simple but very important tip about keeping your workspace organized and clutter-free.
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Actually, there are two tips in this morning's video.
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The first is something I do at the end of almost every workday. It is my strategy for starting the day with clear intentions. The second is a strategy that I learned from author and professional organizer Patty Kreamer years ago. It completely changed the way I file and de-clutter.
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It's been a total game-changer in my life and business. Clutter-free and intentional is the way I like to begin my work week and each day.
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Of course, family and other circumstances sometimes disrupt this, but during those times, I find that these two tools make it easy to get back on track after one of those situations.
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I hope these ideas inspire and motivate you today.
Happy Monday!
For more Vitamin-Beth visit my other posts below or go to coachbethcaldwell.com/beth-told-me.
To learn more about the SHIFT Success Circle for Women starting soon, schedule a time to chat with me here.
Here's to an intentional and successful week, friends!