Hello friends, I know that many of you are enjoying a special holiday today. In the United States, Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial kick-off to summer and spirits are especially high as we all look forward to a very different summer this year.
If you're like me, though, I know you are peeking into your email account and looking for your Monday Mastermind Motivation from me, so I'm offering up a replay of one of my most popular videos and the topic is PRODUCTIVITY. This is always a hot topic, but this advice may not be what you expect.
Friends, family, and clients have all affectionately referred to me as the "Energizer Bunny." YES, it's true I keep going and going and going. You might be surprised to know that I actually became much more productive (and profitable) when I slowed myself down.
Get the details and some helpful tips in this video replay:
I hope these tips help you to enjoy a more productive, intentional, and enjoyable summer.
If you've been training all your life as a multi-tasker, this change is
going to take some time, but it's well worth it!
If you're interested in working with a coach, I have ONE opening to begin in July. Your first session is free. Schedule right now to get things moving this summer.
In case you missed it, I just announced my next in-person conference for women: RE-SPARK Your Business. It's happening July 5th in Pittsburgh PA. Those who register are also invited to join me for fireworks in my hotel suite on July 4th. (spouses, significants, and family can attend too, just ask me about that.
Check it out here:
I hope to see you there.
For many people in the US, Memorial Day is much more significant than the beginning of summer. We will be visiting the cemetery today to honor my Uncle Jack who died fighting in Vietnam. Paul and I are both children of veterans, but we were blessed that our dads came home. For so many whose loved ones served and did not return home, I honor you. I know that every day is Memorial Day for you.

If you'd like to see more of my past workshop recordings, click here:
If you'd like to see EVERY SINGLE Monday Morning Mastermind video since this series debuted in July 2019, click here:
SEE you next Monday,

Beth Caldwell
SHIFT Success Coaching for Women
(412) 202-6983